Picking Out a College… And Why It’s Not That Big of a Deal

I honestly believe that picking out a college is overrated. Personally, if the school has the degree that you want and is within your budget, go for that one. I got asked all the time, “if you hate purple, why are you at Tarleton?” Or heard things like “you came all the way to America, why choose this school?”  And I was always shocked by these statements, as if choosing a college was just as simple as liking the color. 

I remember in high school picking what college to attend was this huge deal and mattered a lot to the teachers and administrators. It felt like this one decision was the most important thing in life because “ it determines your future” and all that fun stuff. 

Let me tell you a secret: it really doesn’t matter. 

Most colleges will look good to unsuspecting high school seniors. They will tell you all the amazing features, traditions, scenery, surrounding town and paint the perfect picture of “the college life.” What they don’t tell you is that every single college will disappoint you and have hidden negatives. Maybe your advisor sucks, maybe your college is dramatic, or you just find yourself at a party school. Basically, no one has the perfect college experience.

Another reason why you shouldn’t stress about picking a college is because it’s not permanent. Transferring is an option. You are never stuck somewhere unless you choose to be stuck. Just because no college experience is perfect doesn’t mean that there isn’t somewhere else that is better suited for you. It is so important to realize that you can change your circumstances. 

Finally, don’t let high schools tell you that if you don’t attend a college your life will be a failure. Trade schools and apprenticeships are beautiful ways to avoid dealing with bureaucratic colleges and their money making mindset. Just whatever you choose, be good at it.


Okay, but Why?